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Bestes Warzone 2 Victus XMR-Loadout:Das beste Victus XMR-Klassen-Setup und die besten Anhänge

Auf der Suche nach dem besten Victus XMR-Loadout in Warzone 2? Al Mazrah ist die Traumlandschaft eines Scharfschützen, daher wird jeder, der seine ersten Schritte in Warzone 2 unternimmt, den Victus XMR ausprobieren wollen. Dieses sperrige Gewehr ist dank seines extrem hohen Schadens, seiner effektiven Reichweite und seiner Geschossgeschwindigkeit derzeit das beste Scharfschützengewehr in Warzone 2. Und mit den richtigen Aufsätzen können Sie diese Waffe noch weiter in das Hitscan-Gebiet vordringen.

Im Folgenden erklären wir, wie Sie das bestmögliche Victus XMR-Loadout in Warzone 2 zusammenstellen. Wir werden die idealen Anbaugeräte für jeden Steckplatz untersuchen und auch einige Empfehlungen für die ideale Sekundärwaffe geben, die neben dem Victus XMR verwendet werden kann.

Müssen Sie wissen, wie Sie das Victus XMR in die Hände bekommen? Sehen Sie sich unsere Anleitung zum Entsperren von Victus XMR an.

Bestes Victus XMR-Loadout in Warzone 2

Hier ist das beste Victus XMR-Loadout in Warzone 2:

  • Maulkorb:Bruen Counter-Ops (Freischalten bei Victus XMR lvl 21)
  • Lauf:Mack 8 33,5 Super (Freischalten bei Victus XMR lvl 3)
  • Laser:VLK LZR 7MW (Freischalten bei STB 556 lvl 5)
  • Munition:.50 Cal High Velocity (Freischalten bei Victus XMR lvl 9)
  • Hinterer Griff:Bruen Q900 Grip (Freischalten bei Sakin MG38 lvl 3)

Es macht keinen Sinn, das Victus XMR in die Hand zu nehmen, es sei denn, Sie möchten tödliche Kopfschüsse über die extremsten Entfernungen erzielen. Der beste Victus XMR-Build, den wir bisher gefunden haben, ist von Natur aus sehr unkompliziert; Wir erhöhen einfach die effektive Reichweite und Geschossgeschwindigkeit so weit wie möglich, während wir gleichzeitig verhindern, dass die ADS-Geschwindigkeit unerträglich langsam wird.

Die Bruen Counter-Ops is here not necessarily for its suppression capabilities (though that is welcome), but for the phenomenal increase to range and bullet velocity that it provides. We've combined it with the longest Barrel on offer, the Mack 8 33.5 Super , to push the range as far as humanly possible and enable those one-hit-kill headshots over stupendous distances.

We're not yet done turning the Victus XMR into Warzone 2's premiere sharpshooting weapon. Apply the .50 Cal High Velocity Magazine mod, and the bullet velocity goes through the roof. This is truly the closest you'll get to a hitscan weapon in Warzone 2 right now.

The Muzzle and Barrel are pretty dang heavy now, so to speed up the handling and mobility stats of the Victus XMR a little bit, we've opted for the Bruen Q900 Grip and the VLK LZR 7MW . Both these attachments increase the rifle's ADS speed and Sprint-To-Fire speed, with more or less negligible downsides. The laser is visible while you ADS, but seeing as you'll be giving off a sniper glint anyway, that doesn't matter much.

Overall these simple changes make our Victus XMR build the most intimidatingly lethal Sniper Rifle on offer right now in Warzone 2. At closer ranges you're better off using something else, but for long-distances sniper duels, there's simply nothing better in the game at the moment.

Best Victus XMR loadout secondary weapon

There's nothing that can compete with the Victus XMR at long range, but when it comes to closer-range fighting you're going to need a solid secondary weapon in reserve. We'd recommend pairing this rifle with the STB 556, the best Assault Rifle in Warzone 2. The STB 556 is not only a very versatile and powerful AR, it's also deadly accurate, which means you can follow-up a Victus XMR sniper shot with some very accurate automatic fire if needed.

If you want a weapon that's even stronger at close range, then the Kastov-74U is an extremely hard-hitting Assault Rifle which will burst down enemies far faster than even the STB 556 at SMG ranges. This will leave you slightly vulnerable at distances slightly beyond mid-range unless you can learn to wield the Victus XMR very deftly; but it might be worthwhile when you consider how powerful you'll be at close-range with the Kastov-74U.

Best Victus XMR class setup:Perks and Equipment

When sniping from a cosy ledge, the Specter perk package (Ghost, Double Time, Tracker, Spotter) is perfect for hiding from sneaky enemy surveillance. Ghost allows you to remain undetected when enemy UAVs are floating around in the air, leaving you to snipe in comfort, with less concern of getting a shotgun shell in the back. If you do see enemies coming, Double Time's extra tactical sprint duration should help you sprint off into the distance faster than the Roadrunner.

Tracker and Spotter, on the other hand, help you make an aggressive push when charging in with your secondary. Tracker reveals enemy footprints on the ground, letting you follow them into their hidey holes for an easy kill. Spotter makes that all a bit safer by highlighting enemy equipment and revealing it through walls, so you don't get caught off guard by a pesky claymore.

If you want to get some extra intel before following footsteps into a building, whip out the Heartbeat Sensor to determine how many enemies dwell within. If the odds seem insurmountable, simply toss a C4 charge inside to clear the building of any baddies without even stepping foot over the threshold.
